The Meadows
The Meadows Eco School

In August 2023, we officIally became part of the Eco School community by gaining our first Green Flag Award.
We are very proud of all the effort that our children & families put in to achieve this award. You can follow our journey on our Instagram page and see all the amazing projects that the children took part in including a huge virtual walk from nursery to Newquay, and how the children helped to transform our sand pit into a giant vegetable patch! We were then successful in gaining another award in 2024 and we are currently on our way to achieving another green flag with lots more exciting eco activities and projects planned for 2025.
And here is our congratulations summary:
"Fantastic work The Meadows Childcare
We are very pleased to tell you that you and your Eco-Committee at The Meadows Childcare have been successful in meeting the requirements for the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.
Our team enjoyed reading about the formation of your inclusive Eco-Committee and the selection process in place. Engaging so much with your parents and families is a great way to ensure environmental issues are a priority in your school. Great work!
It's brilliant to read that the Environmental Review helped your pupils to appreciate and celebrate everything that your school is already doing to benefit our environment whilst also enabling them to identify areas to work on in the future.
You’ve also used diverse methods to inform your nursery community about your ongoing projects, such as newsletters, Tapestry and your lovely Eco-Board, thanks for sharing a photo of this with us. This comprehensive approach will help to engage others and expand the reach of your Eco-Schools work.
We admire your ambition in carrying out some wider community work with your young eco-team – your local area projects are great examples of how we can teach even our youngest children to care for their environment and do their bit for others!
Your greatest successes this year link clearly to the experience of your children. The vegetable patch you’ve created has provided them with many rich learning experiences and some lovely memories too. This is what the best forms of climate action are about – impactful but achievable things that create a positive experience and prompt more action. We love this!
Your work has not been without challenges this year but you overcame any bumps in the road with determination and through education – great work everyone!
Our team enormously enjoyed reading your evaluations of each topic – these, along with the figures provided and all the evidence you’ve shared with us throughout your application, point to a very successful year on your Eco-Schools journey, well done everyone! Your Eco-Code is great.
It’s a punchy and clear message, full of practical ways in which your young children can continue their Eco-Schools work. Well done to all involved in its creation!
It has been an absolute pleasure to read through your application, you are a wonderful ambassador for the Eco-Schools programme and we are delighted, without hesitation, to award you an Eco-Schools Green Flag – congratulations!"