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Pre-school room

We offer a wide variety of exciting activities and experiences to constantly engage and challenge the children. We plan activities suitable for whom we have in on certain days and use the children's interests and their development stage to make sure everyone has a fun and fulfilled day. Alongside the planned activities, we have plenty of time for the children to free play with age appropriate toys. They can glue, stick, paint, cut and model-make in the arts and craft area. We have a construction area where the children can build with different materials such as Duplo, Lego, Mobilo, wooden blocks, tree stumps and magnetic blocks.  In our role play area, we have lots of yummy food so the children can make dinner, put the washer on and do the ironing just like mum and dad. We even have our own superhero cave where Spider-Man, Captain America and Bat-girl like to hang out!




We aim to prepare the pre-school children for school by introducing them to phonics and maths in fun and imaginative ways, this helps the children to become familiar with letters and number before they start school, giving your children the best start to their educational journey. 

In our STEM sessions (Science, technology, engineering and Maths) we carry out many investigations, such as investigating melting, magnets, sinking and floating, dissolving and many more (melting chocolate always goes down well for some reason!). The children build bridges and ramps, incorporating engineering and math and enjoy challenges set, for example, how high can you build a tower out of marshmallows and spaghetti? This encourages the children to work together and problem solve.

We have a large variety of award winning toys and ICT resources such as computer learning games, light boards, voice recording toys, programmable toys, digital cameras, microphones and remote control toys and when it's time to relax  we do this in our cosy area. The children can read books in here or simply recharge their batteries in front of the fish tank.

Pre-school room gallery

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